7 events communications joined the Event Committee of the Association of Communications Directors and Corporate Media of Russia (AKMR).
As noted by Lilia Petrosyan, General Director of 7 events communications: «We are pleased to be a member of the Event Committee of AKMR — one of the few associations in the market of communications management, which tries to consolidate the industry standards, help to identify the best in the various fields of business communications and event -management. 7 events communications appreciated the professionalism in the selection of the best agencies made by AKMR, when the agency went through AKMR certification process and got the certificate in 2013. We will take an active part in the growth and development of the event-market, share our knowledge in the field of business communications. »
Event Committee is the industry ruling body and aimed at professional development of event-market services in accordance with customer requirements, public discussion of common standards in the market, increase of trust between the agencies and suppliers and customers. Is a professional public forum to discuss top issues of event-market and customer requirements for quality and scope of the services provided.